Young Cuban women work in a food truck selling food to make their way in the United States.

Young immigrant women commit to hard work to achieve their dreams.

El tiktokerDairon Cano He shared with his followers a video showing the experience of two Cuban women who work with sacrifice and discipline in the United States to achieve their dreams.

These young immigrantsThey sell food in a food truck, in the city of Miami. They have opted for hard work, to build their own path that allows them to achieve their goals.

Cano usually shows on his social networks the experience of Cubans who open their own businesses in the United States or join in working side by side on other people's projects, to earn an honest living.

These young Cuban women did not give the influencer a single smile. Werefocused on their tasks. There is no time for jokes in your workday in the United States.

Cano already says it in his video, the work in Miami is a constant sample of"discipline and sacrifice" to get ahead as quickly as possible.

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