Delivery man refuses to deliver order without tip in Miami: "No tip, no pizza"

The video circulating on the networks has attracted attention due to the man's reaction after the client told him that she would not tip him.

One of the many videos circulating on social networks has begun to go viral on profiles that share the daily life of Miami, for showing a rather uncomfortable scene that took place in the city.

This is a video that captures the argument between a pizza delivery man and a customer, after she did not want to tip the man who brought her her order.

"If there is no tip, there is no pizza", commented the man, quite upset with the woman who told him that he was not obliged to tip him, but that he had the right to take his pizzas because he had paid for them.

Many of the users have alluded in the comments that this is a montage and not a real case, since they allude that the boxes are empty and that they have seen the same man on social networks participating in similar content.

"These are fake. I've seen this guy doing this with the purchase," "This is staged. It's the same people from thesketch grocery delivery. This is not fun or educational, what is the point of this nonsense?" or "This is the second video I have seen with this guy, fake videos," can be read in the post of the profile Miami Problems, who have echoed of the video.

What do you think?


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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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