Florida police shoot down their own patrol car after being scared by an acorn

The agent thought he heard a gunshot, fell to the ground, pulled out his gun and repeatedly fired at his car. Inside was a young man handcuffed who luckily escaped unharmed.

And Florida police shot down their own patrol car, where a man was detained and handcuffed inside, after being scared by an acorn that fell on the hood of the car.

The incident occurred in November of last year in Okaloosa County, although it is now that the videos captured by the body camera of the two agents involved have come to light.

Sheriff's Deputy Jesse Hernandez and his partner, Sergeant Beth Roberts, arrested a man accused of stealing a car and sending threatening messages to his girlfriend. They both handcuffed him and put him in the back of the patrol car.

Everything was going normally until Hernández thought he heard a gunshot, after which he fell to the ground to take cover while repeatedly yelling "shots fired!" He started to roll, pulled out his gun and fired multiple shots at his car.

For her part, Roberts seemed confused at first and asked "what?" before also starting to shoot.

Hernandez shouted "They hit me!" and added that the shots came from inside the car.

While all this was happening, in the back seat of the patrol car he remained helpless and terrified. Marquis Jackson, 22, who miraculously escaped the shooting unharmed.

The incident led to an investigation by the Sheriff's Office, which concluded that the Hernández's use of force was not justified. His partner was exonerated because he only shot based on his actions.

During the investigation, the officer He realized that the only thing he heard was an acorn falling on the hood of his car..

Hernández resigned from his position in December; However, he was not criminally charged.

"We have no reason to believe that former Representative Hernández acted with malice. Although his actions were ultimately not justified, we believe that he felt that his life was in immediate danger and his response was based on the totality of the circumstances surrounding this fear" Sheriff Eric Aden said in a statement.

On the other hand, Aden expressed his satisfaction that Marquis Jackson had not suffered any injuries in the shooting.

"Just as we have the obligation to protect our agents so that they can return home safely to their families, authorities have the same obligation to any citizen who is being investigated for a crime," he said.

So far it has not been revealed whether Jackson will file a lawsuit. However, he did describe what happened in his Facebook and assured that he is "damaged for life."

Facebook Capture / Marquis K Jackson

"All I could do was lean over and play dead to avoid being shot in the head. I was scared to death and knew the only thing I could trust was God! I ignored everything and prayed! Windows were breaking all the while the bullets kept flying through me. I was lucky to not take any bullets or get hurt physically, but mentally I haven't been the same since and I don't think this feeling I have will ever change. "I really think I'm damaged for life!" he stressed.

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