Police kick products from street vendors in central Havana park

The scene has generated outrage.

Andpolice badly kicked merchandise that a street vendor had placed on the ground in the central El Curita park, in Central Havana, as confirmed by a video broadcast by the independent mediaCubanet.

The images, which have generated deep indignation, show the moment in which two burly police officers approach the place, where what were apparently records and clothing were placed for informal sale.

Suddenly one of them starts kicking the objects and only later does he ask a man:"This is yours?".

The ambient noise of the recording does not allow us to hear the conversation between the owner of the objects and the police officer, who maintained a defiant attitude at all times.

The aforementioned source specified thatThe agents evicted and fined the street vendors who were stationed in the park, one of the busiest in the center of Havana.

In the comments section of the YouTube channel ofCubanet, dozens of Internet users have described the infamous scene as disrespectful and abusive.

Many have askedhow that can be the attitude of a law enforcement officer, while others have questioned the passivity of those who in this case were, literally, trampled by the police.

"This is what these rampages are for"; "Forbidden to forget"; "This is how the henchmen of the Castro dictatorship act"; "God, what is that? How evil that man is"; "How long will the world continue to allow the misfortune of these people who are crushed because of a system?" were some comments.

"They deserve it for being a tough and miserable people", one commentator stated crudely.

What do you think?


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