Kidnapped Cuban doctors would have died in a drone attack in Somalia

The Arab group Al-Shabaab reported the death through its Telegram channel.

Médicos cubanos secuestrados © Facebook/Assel Herrera Correa y Landy Rodríguez Hernández
Kidnapped Cuban doctors Photo © Facebook/Assel Herrera Correa and Landy Rodríguez Hernández

The Arab group Al-Shabaab reported, through its Telegram channel, on the possible death of the two Cuban doctors,surgeon Landy Rodríguez and general practitioner Assel Herrera, kidnapped in Somalia since 2019.

According to information released by the militants of that Arab organization, Rodríguez and Herrera were killed on Thursday by a United States drone attack inside the city of Jilib, a stronghold of Al-Shabaab militants.

The independent news siteGarowe Online has echoed the news, although he assured that he has not been able to verify its veracity. However, several Arab media and African journalists have replicated the information.

Garowe Onlinehas also said that the aforementioned attacks occur frequently by US troops, although they highlighted that "the most recent operation only left two militants dead and no civilian victims."

Regarding the event, the Cuban Foreign Ministry issued a small message on its social network account of with their Kenyan and Somali counterparts, and our people will be immediately informed.

The Cuban doctors were kidnapped in April 2019. The doctors, who were part of a contingent of a hundred Cuban professionals who arrived in Kenya in 2018, were traveling in a convoy to the Mandera hospital protected by armed escorts when they were intercepted after a shootout in which one of the police officers died. They ensured their safety.

Since then,The Government of Kenya assured that efforts were being made to rescue them, but the efforts were unsuccessful.

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