Cuba without sugar: "How do we sweeten our children's milk?"

A question in a Facebook group unleashed several comments on the topic of the lack of sugar in Cuba.

Azúcar © Cubadebate
Sugar Foto © Cubadebate

The Cuban family continues to suffershortage of basic products in the kitchen. This time the concern comes about sugar, an important component for the flavor of different drinks, such as milk or soda, so demanded by the children of the house.

This concern was addressed by a question in the Facebook group “Cuban Mothers for a Better World,” where one of the members was interested in knowing: “What do Cuban mothers do these days to sweeten milk or other things from our children?".

Captura de Facebook/Yuzi Zanetti

The answers to this question provided various points of view, from those who expressed that sugar was harmful to health, others who focused on the "other things" to which it referred, and those who expressed their experiences with the lack of this product and the rationalization they must do.

Magic", was the immediate response made by a mother, whom they supported in her comment "because what they give in the winery is a magic wand... so that you can find out as best you can," another user contributed.

Another Internet user added that she leaves the sugar in the house entirely to her son. “Adults drink packet soda. “Nothing and that's how I waste the month.”

Meanwhile, one of the mothers who shared her experience said thatshe used honey. On the other hand, another person reported thatHe paid 300 Cuban pesos for a pound of white sugar.

“My son eats yogurt. And it's hell to give it that way, without sugar. And it's only for yogurt and coffee. It is not made into juice, sweet or anything. Why it's not possible.I spent 3,000 pesos on 10 pounds of sugar and I have to save it. I can't buy it every day. “This was a sacrifice I made,” he commented.

Limitations on access to sugar have forced Cuban families to look for alternatives to feed their children.

Another mother agreed that she has had to give yogurt to her son due to the lack of sweetener, and in her case she was grateful to have family abroad who supported her financially to be able to buy these products.

“Since my baby was a few days old, she has been drinking yogurt and it has to be sugar, I buy it at MSMEs, I don't have anything else. Thank you that you have family in the bad country and you started helping me, otherwise I don't know what would happen to me," were his words.

The truth is that this is not the only obstacle that the Cuban family must overcome, because the lack of sugar is compounded by the lack ofmilk for the consumption of society, especially children.

Last Friday, February 16, in response to complaints from Cuban mothers about the delay in the distribution of milk for children, the Minister of Domestic Trade, Betsy Díaz Rodríguez, said that although it is true that children from six months to two years have not received milk since last February 5, the regime is working with the available production and looking for alternatives with Micro , Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), so that they incorporate their inventories into the basic basket.

In provinces such as Ciego de Ávila, Guantánamo and Santiago de Cubachildren have received syrup for milk.

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