Cuban government confirms delivery of sugar with iron particles in warehouses

Users commented on their dissatisfaction with the event, wondering if no one checked the product before going to the warehouses.

Producción azucarera en Cuba © Granma
Sugar production in Cuba Photo © Granma

The Cuban Government confirmed through the Commerce authorities in Villa Clara, the existence and sale to the population of sugar with iron particles.

According to onenote released by the official radio stationCMHW of the province of Villa Clara, the director of Retail Trade in the province,Yoel Romero, assured the sale of sugar, by the Cuban State, with “ferrous particles above the permissible rates in warehouses in seven municipalities: Camajuaní, Remedios, Caibarién, Cifuentes, Manicaragua, Ranchuelo and Santa Clara.”

The decision of the directors of Villa Clara, upon realizing the important “slip” was to stop the sale of the regulated product in the wineries of that town.

The director of the Tecnoazúcar company in the province,Mario Enrique García, pointed out that "the transportation of the product to the wholesale warehouses from the centers that process and package it was stopped, and right now quality tests are being carried out in different laboratories, in addition to other technical and monitoring maneuvers to solve the problem."

Those who caused the problem themselves assured, by way of justification, that the "Heriberto Duquesne" Sugar Company, of Remedios, is capable of “grinding above 60 percent and delivering more than 100 tons of sugar per day,” with which promise to replace the damaged product in the shortest possible time, as long as consumers return the sugar that contains the ferrous components.

Facebook/CMHW The Radio Queen of the Center

Users commented on their dissatisfaction with the event. “And I ask, was that sugar not reviewed, did it not go through quality controls? With how difficult everything is in the country and on top of that even the long-awaited sugar arrives late and is not suitable for consumption,” said one person.

Recently,A Cuban woman passed a magnet over the brown sugar that was distributed this February in the island's warehouses and found pieces of metal.

The Internet userIrina Diéguez Toledo In a Facebook post he invited the country's population to carry out the same experiment and then assured that what he found was iron.

Other users of the social network confirmed having found metals in the product.

"That's why sometimes I bit into something hard that I didn't know, they want to kill us slowly"; "Likewise, I get so upset when I find a little piece"; "They are iron particles," were some comments on the post.

A similar publication forced the regime to analyze the sugar it delivers for the basic basket in the warehouses of Cárdenas, Matanzas, and dozens of kilograms had to be removed from the distribution network.

On that occasion, state television in that municipality confirmed that the standardized white sugar that was sold to the population contained "fragments of non-soluble foreign matter."nor suitable for human consumption.

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