Young Cuban dies in a hospital in Mexico while waiting to enter the United States

He was waiting for the CBP One appointment to fulfill his dream of helping his family and he started to feel bad. He was hospitalized for four days and finally died at the age of 23, shortly before his 24th birthday.

It was called Yoan Marlon Díaz Escalona, was from Santos Suárez, October 10 (Havana) and died this Monday, at the age of 23, in Mexico, where since last September he had been waiting for the CBP One appointment, which allows vulnerable migrants to request an advance interview to access the United States. Joined. His dream was to be able to help his family. In Cuba, his mother, his wife and his 2-year-old son received the news of his admission to a hospital on February 22. He started to feel bad and was taken to the General Emergency Room in Pachuca, Hidalgo.

Hours after entering the hospital, he lost consciousness and mobility. A CT scan performed the next day revealed that he had an infection in the brain, according to the testimony of his wife, Lisandra Breto. Twenty-four hours later the doctors were preparing to operate on him, but they needed the consent of a family member.

And there is an added problem because leaving Cuba is neither easy nor cheap nor is it something that can be done overnight. The prognosis of Yoan Marlon Díaz Escalona's illness was serious to the point that doctors predicted that even after the intervention he could remain in a coma or a vegetative state, because his brain was very damaged, his wife and mother explained on social networks. of his only son and the woman with whom he had a romantic relationship for 7 years.

Born on March 10, 2000, Yoan Marlon Díaz died shortly before his 24th birthday. In Mexico he made a living working in construction. They did not operate on him because the doctors even needed authorization to intubate him. I was alone in the hospital. They gave him the prescription with the medications he should take for the frontoparietal brain abscess that he was diagnosed with.

The news of the death of Yoan Marlon Díaz leaves his family devastated, who does not know how to get the money to repatriate the body and needs help. The young man died alone in the Pachuca General Hospital, which did not even cover the medications he needed.

His death has also impacted the entire Cuban community, which attributes deaths like this one, far from the family and completely alone, to the Miguel Díaz-Canel regime, which pushes young people to emigrate due to the lack of future on the Island. But no. Everyone manages to reach their destination and there are many mothers who mourn their children who died during the journey.

More than half a million Cubans emigrated to the United States in the last two years. It is a figure that represents 4.8% of the Island's population. In 2023, more than 153,000 people from Cuba entered the United States irregularly. There are another 67,000 who emigrated legally, thanks to the Parole Program. Added to this data are the 313,000 who arrived in the US in 2022.

These numbers break all historical records, if we take into account that in the sixties 300,000 people emigrated, in the 80s there were 130,000 and in the 90s 35,000 fled.

We must also add emigration to Europe, mainly to Spain, whose Consulate in Havana registered 15,000 applications for Spanish nationality, in accordance with the Grandchildren Law, in the first six months of last year. Also in Mexico, between 2022 and 2023, 36,574 Cubans requested refuge and at least 22,000 entered Uruguay.

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Tania Costa

(Havana, 1973) lives in Spain. He has directed the Spanish newspaper El Faro de Melilla and FaroTV Melilla. She was head of the Murcian edition of 20 minutes and Communications advisor to the Vice Presidency of the Government of Murcia (Spain).

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