Luis Alberto García is proposed for the National Film Award

In recognition of his career and talent, the Assembly of Cuban Filmmakers chose the Cuban actor to compete for the National Film Award.

Asamblea de Cineastas Cubanos escogió al actor Luis Alberto García para optar por el Premio Nacional de Cine © Facebook/Luis Alberto García
Assembly of Cuban Filmmakers chose actor Luis Alberto García to compete for the National Film Award Photo © Facebook/Luis Alberto García

The Assembly of Cuban Filmmakers (ACC) selected the actorLuis Alberto García Novoa as a candidate forNational Film Award, in its annual call, by obtaining the highest number of votes among the 60 nominees.

In this way, the contributions ofGarcía and his extensive career, among a long list of artists, technicians and scholars who were nominated.

As established by the award protocol, the proposal has already been delivered to the Cuban Institute of Cinematographic Art and Industry (ICAIC).

Capture of Facebook/Assembly of Cuban Filmmakers

The members of the organization issued their considerations and votes last weekend, according to astatement of the guild on Facebook.

For the ACC, the number of nominees reflects the interest of that community in "recognizing the work, perseverance and professionalism of its members." "There is a lot of talent that we must remember and validate," the statement stressed.

The text confirms that the ACC is an inclusive organization that considers that all Cuban filmmakers, regardless of their place of residence, can aspire to the National Film Award.

However, the Assembly of Filmmakers maintained that this does not mean that it will "disregard or disqualify the result of the official call," because - it added - "a member of our community will always be honored, and that is what is truly essential."

"Our existence is legitimate and our vote becomes a new exercise in civility and coherence," the ACC stated.

The organization was born in 2013 as a "space for dialogue, proposals and confrontation," according to its page on the social network Facebook.

Last December,The Assembly rejected censorship at the Havana Film Festival, considering the event as a scene of "sustained exercise of institutional violence" against the creators.

The trigger for the complaint was the exclusion of two Cuban films from the event's official billboard:Fito's Havana, ofJuan Pin Vilar, andCalls from Moscow, directed byLuis Alejandro Yero.

They considered this fact "a perverse model that annuls that elemental right of any citizen to enjoy and interpret these works for themselves," according to.

In it, they also denounced the control, censorship and threats made by high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Culture and recalled that they, the artists, were not responsible for the harsh reality in which Cubans live.

The assembly also rejected the criminalization of filmmakers, and stated that "Cuban cinema made inside and outside of Cuba does not belong to an institution or a group of officials."

Two months before,The ACC declared that there were internet outages during a meeting of its members, when the meeting was planned to be recorded and later broadcast. They accused the government of trying to prevent filmmakers from recording and broadcasting the meetings, and described the act as a type of repression and censorship of artists.

This is the complete list, in alphabetical order, of the technicians, artists and researchers who were nominated for the National Film Award:

1. Adela Legrá

2. Alejandro Alonso

3. Alejandro Gil

4. Ángel Alderete

5. Aramis Acosta

6. Belkis Vega

7. Carlos Urdanivia

8. Claudia Calvino

9. Daniela Muñoz

10. Danilo Lejardi

11. Derubín Jácome

12. Diana Fernandez

13. Edesio Alejandro

14. Elisa Ravello

15. Eliseo Altunaga

16. Ernesto Daranas

17. Ernesto Padrón

18. Fausto Canel

19. Germán Fernández

20. Glory to Roland

21. Gustavo Arcos

22. Heidi Hassan

23. Hernán Henriquez

24. Isabel Santos

25. Jorge Fuentes

26. Jorge Molina

27. Jorge Perugorría

28. Jorge Pucheux

29. Juan Antonio García Borrero

30. Juan Antonio Leyva

31. Julio Simoneau (padre)

32. Lía Rodríguez

33. Lizette Rest

34. Luciano Castillo

35. Luis Alberto García

36. Luis Lacosta

37. Luisa María Jiménez

38. Magda Rose Galvan

39. Magdalena Alvarez

40. María Isabel Díaz

41. Marilyn Solaya

42. Mario Rivas

43. Miguel Coyula

44. Mirtha Ibarra

45. Nancy Angulo

46. Orlando Jiménez Leal

47. Orlando Rojas

48. Osmany Olivare

49. Patrick Wood

50. Pavel Giroud

51. Rafael Rey

52. Rebeca Chavez

53. Ricardo Acosta

54. Rolando Diaz

55. Samuel Claxton

56. James Llapur

57. Sergio Giral

58. Sergio Marticorena

59. Tessa Hernandez

60. Violet Cooper

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