Viral: Young Cuban woman returns to the island and brings gifts to the children of her old school

A young Cuban woman brings gifts to children from her old school in Cuba and her gesture goes viral on TikTok.

A young Cuban woman returned to the island and had a beautiful gesture with the children at the school she studied as a child by bringing gifts to all the little ones in a classroom. A nice detail that he shared on his TikTok profile and went viral on the social network.

The name of this young Cuban woman is Karla Ceballos (@karlaceballos25 on TikTok), who during his visit to Cuba did not hesitate to have a nice detail with the children who now study at the school where he took theater classes and He gave them individual gift bags with school supplies for each of them.. A moment that filled Karla with happiness, as she shared on her social networks the beautiful surprise she gave these little students.

"Happy. I took theater classes when I was a baby here and you come back and see the children, I have no words, and help them with something. I'm happy"commented the young Cuban, who in the comments explained that she was able to give them these gifts because they gave her permission. "I was able to do it because they gave me permission, otherwise they wouldn't have let me in. The boy with me helped me with that, otherwise of course I wouldn't have been able to," he said.

Karla's video exceeds one hundred thousand views and in the comments we find many messages highlighting this beautiful detail she had with the children.

"What a nice detail, I left Cuba many years ago, but my idea is when I return, to bring candy and stuffed animals to the children", "What a nice gesture. May God multiply them. Thank you", "One of the best videos I've seen. "Cuban children deserve some happiness.""What a beautiful action, it moved my heart a lot" or "What a beautiful action. I wish there were millions like you. Blessings," they wrote to this young Cuban woman, who resides in the United States.

Additionally, in another video he shared the process of preparing bags with school supplies for the children.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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