Cubans say goodbye to Canadians in the middle of a blackout in Guantánamo: "What a lack of dignity"

The event sparked comments from people who attacked showing a decadent image of Cuba to visitors.

A group of 27 young Canadians who visited the province of Guantanamo were dismissed in the best Cuban style of these times: with a blackout.

The former Cuban spy and current national coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR)Gerard Hernandez Nordelo He proudly shared images and videos of the farewell in which the lack of electricity was noted.

“Cederistas from Villa Toa, in Guantánamo, receive and welcome with their customary hospitality 27 young Canadians, dance students, who shared for hours with the community,” Hernández Nordelo wrote on his X account, formerly Twitter.

Apparently, at the beginning of the “visit” there was still power, but at the end of it, when the Canadians were on board their bus and the Cubans were chanting “La Guantanamera,” the electricity had been cut off.

The comments in the publication did not forgive the display of the decadent image of Cuba and attacked what the former spy celebrated very normally.

"Without eleectricity!They will have taken a great impression in silence to their country. I imagine that's what it's all about... giving an image of misery and calamity so that they continue doing charitable works," said one user.

Another person assured that the event gaveshame of others and that the behavior in Cuba was one meme after another.

Meanwhile, Hernández Nordelo's action was described as mockery. "This guy openly laughs at the people and there are still people who applaud his humor," said another Internet user.

Visitors leave and residents stay in the same places., with hunger, need, blackouts, slavery, what pain my people give me, manipulated and deceived,” another user attacked.

The post was also used to denounce the shortcomings in which the Cuban people live. "There is no food or medicine for children and the elderly. The garbage cans are on every corner for days and days. The pits overflow and they don't fix them, are sewage waters part of our culture?" he commented.

Regarding the blackouts, they have worsened in the last week, to the point that Areas of at least 11 municipalities were without electricity for four hours “due to a deficit in generation capacity” in the country's capital., the most privileged place by the regime to avoid electrical damage.

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