Strong police operation to contain massive protests in Santiago de Cuba

The police presence is already being noticed in the demonstrations that are taking place this Sunday in Santiago de Cuba.

This Sunday duringanti-government protests that shake Santiago de Cuba The presence of the Cuban police has also been observed, seeking to contain the protesters.

According to the independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada, the demonstrations take place on the central Carretera del Morro Avenue and 9th Street in Veguita de Galo, in the city of Santiago de Cuba, which has been transformed from a “musical thermometer to a thermometer of popular discontent.”

Captura de Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

The protests took place this Sunday shouting "current and food" and "Homeland and Life", the latter the slogan used in the Cuban demonstrations of July 2021.

This Saturday,the Cuban towns of San Antonio de los Baños, in Artemisa and Cacocum, in Holguín, they staged cacerolazos in their streets.

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