Miss Dayana supports the protests in Cuba: "The Cuban dictatorship must end"

In a context of growing discontent on the island, Señorita Dayana raises her voice and joins the demands for the end of the Cuban dictatorship, encouraging the world to pay attention to the protests.

The Cuban artist Dayana Chávez Victoria, better known asMiss Dayana, spoke about the protests that began on Sunday, March 17 in Santiago de Cuba to demand electricity and food to support them.

Through her Instagram profile, the Cuban singer posted a letter to support her compatriots who took to the streets in Cuba to protest the situation in the country.

"The people of Cuba have taken to the streets in several provinces of the country demanding change, asking for freedom and shouting that they are hungry. An entire country is dying of hunger and need. Cuba can't take it anymore, share, no matter what country you are from. The world needs to know this. The Cuban dictatorship must end. The change is now!, the singer wrote on her social networks.

Other artists who supported the protesters were Eduardo Antonio, La Diosa and Yotuel Romero, among others.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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