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Cuban girl Amanda undergoing a new surgical intervention

The enormous wear and tear with which the girl arrived in Spain has been the fundamental cause of all the problems she has had to deal with.

Amanda Lemus Ortiz © Lara Crofs / Facebook
Amanda Lemus Ortiz Photo © Lara Crofs / Facebook

Nine days afterhave a liver transplant, the Cuban girlAmanda Lemur Ortiz was subjected this Saturday toa new surgical intervention in Spain.

As reported inFacebook theactivist Yamilka Lafita (Lara Crofs), the baby girlHe entered the room at 8:30 am for corrective surgery.

"The surgeons have been evaluating this possibility since yesterday, because as I had told them previously, they need to rectify a bile duct connection with which they are not satisfied," he explained.

Lara stressed thatthe enormous wear and tear with which the girl arrived in Spain It has been the root cause of all the problems he has had to deal with.

Facebook Capture / Lara Crofs

"Please, let us keep our dear Amanda in our prayers. Even if we have some news, I will go out and communicate it," he said.

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