Amanda recovers "little by little" after 72 hours of the liver transplant in Spain

The new liver is doing its job. This Wednesday the doctors planned to close the surgical wound, but they must rectify a bile duct. The other organs already have their normal size.

Seventy-two hours after liver transplant of Cuban girl Amanda Lemur Ortiz in Spain, the two-year-old girl continues to recover little by little.

"The baby woke up and began to feel her new reality," he reported in Facebook the activist Yamilka Lafita (Lara Crofs).

Lara explained that this Wednesday it had been decided to close the minor's surgery wound, but there is still a bile duct that the doctors want to rectify.

"Maybe make some kind of modification or something like that, it's still to be determined," he said.

"The other organs have already returned to their natural size. The vessel, which was enormously swollen, is now almost normal size, the new liver is fulfilling its expected function and Amanda's life has begun to flourish," he explained.

Facebook Capture / Lara Crofs

For his part, Emmanuel Lemus, Amanda's father, who donated part of his liver, is ready for discharge, after recovering well and without complications.

"The news could not be better or more comforting," Lara stressed.

On Sunday, the girl opened her eyes for the first time after the transplant. After removing part of the scaffolding of tubes that he had for breathing, he gradually woke up.

Lara Crofs then explained that the recovery would be long, between three to four months, due to the pitiful state in which the little girl arrived at the La Paz Hospital, in Madrid.

"The doctors always visit her in the morning, do ultrasounds and measure important parameters that monitor the post-operative period. If everything goes as it is, on Friday she should go to the room to proceed with closing the wound. The color of the skin is already is beginning to change, the soles of the feet and hands are beginning to have the color they should," he explained.

On Saturday, 24 hours after surgery, Amanda was progressing satisfactorily after the operation. to remedy the atresia of the bile ducts that he suffers from.

"The baby still hasn't woken up, the doctors stopped by there recently, saw her, did an ultrasound and then they will return to talk to Mila [the mother] about how everything should be," reported Yamilka Lafita.

As the activist explained, the decision not to suture the wound is totally normal in this type of intervention.

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