Cubans demonstrate during Charly and Johayron's sold out concert in Tampa

The Cuban duo Charly and Johayron achieve two sold outs in Tampa, while facing protests for their conduct in a recent interview.

The successful shows of the Cuban duoCharly y Johayron in Tampa this weekend have been marred by his controversial interview with YouTuber Dayanoti. On two consecutive nights, the artists did sold out in the city of Florida. However, while they received the warmth of their audience at a particularly delicate moment in their career, they also A demonstration was called against them outside the venue where they sang.

We remember that it was a few days ago, after the protests in Cuba on March 17, when Johayron refused to talk about them in an interview with the Cuban YouTuber Dayanoti while Charly made some quite inappropriate explicit gestures to the camera with his mouth. . This provoked an avalanche of criticism from other colleagues and also from many of his Cuban followers, who did not view favorably what happened during the interview.

But after what happened and after giving public explanations, the duo has decided to continue with their concerts and delight their fans with their music and this weekend they were in Tampa, where they did twosold outs. They shared some videos of these shows on their social networks.

"The only truth is music!! Thank you to all our beautiful people of Tampa for loving us so much. 2 nights in a row SOLD OUT. It's easy to say. We love you", they wrote on their social networks, where they have not reacted (for now) to the demonstration that was called on Saturday night at the entrance to their concert venue.

Several Cubans gathered to protest against him, as has been recorded on social networks, where some attendees posted their videos with their banners and Cuban flags. Videos that are already circulating on platforms like TikTok.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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