Dayanoti talks about her interview with Charly & Johayron: "You have to lose your fear"

"I thought a lot to release the video, because I know perfectly well what could detonate," Dayanoti commented.

Los Pichy Boys They conducted an interview withDayanoti, the youtuber who conducted the interview with the Cuban urban singersCharly & Johayron in which they refused to speak of the protests in Cuba and one of its members behaved mockingly about it.

Dayan Pérez, the youtuber's real name, spoke with Los Pichy Boys and told everything that happened that night. One of the first things he talked about was the insistence of the group's manager,Raymel, so that the interview did not appear and how they forced him to delete the video, something he did not do by deleting other material instead.

Regarding why he decided to finally bring the interview to light, Dayanoti assured that he felt a commitment to make people aware of the double standards of both Charly and Johayron and that of his team.

"That was something that had to be seen, what is the double standard, what is the nerve, what is the fact of coming here to the United States and shamelessly doing what they are doing knowing what is currently happening and that you tell me that you're not going to speak, that you can't, knowing the power that you have, then what are you doing?"said Dayanoti.

Although he says that he thought a lot about sharing it on social networks because he was aware of the repercussion it would have, Dayanoti commented that he had to lose his fear, since the Cubans on the island were losing it by going out to protest in the streets for their rights and freedoms.

"I thought a lot about releasing the video, because I know perfectly well what could detonate, but it is time to lose fear once and for all, if those over there are not afraid, if those over there are with the cameras, those from There they are those of us, who are ourselves perhaps 15 or 20 years ago, but they are there without fear, with courage, with strength, saying yes, we are there, with slogans, how can those here be afraid? "No, that's enough.", he added.

Dayanoti also said that he was disappointed with the reaction that the singers had, since being one of the most popular urban artists of the moment they could have used their voice to support and send a positive message to the people of Cuba.

"I truly did not expect this, I expected a positive reaction, because it is clear that they are one of the most successful duos that 2024 has in terms of the cast genre", "I did not expect that reaction from those characters ", not Charly's, much less Johayron's reaction.", he added.

During the last few days,Charly and Johayron have been involved in controversy and they have received a wave of criticism from the Cuban community because they refused to talk about the protests in Cuba during an interview with Dayanoti.

As if that were not enough,Charly made some very inappropriate explicit gestures to the camera with his mouth, something that meant for many a lack of respect for the situation on the island.

Below is the interview in full:

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Yare Grau

Natural from Cuba, but I live in Spain. I studied Social Communication at the University of Havana and later graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Valencia. I am currently part of the CiberCuba team as an editor in the Entertainment section.

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