Wall collapses in uninhabited building in Havana

The Arbos building suffered a partial collapse in 2014, when its upper floors fell. Its nearly 600 inhabitants were evicted by the authorities and, since then, the property has remained abandoned without the government doing anything about it.

Derrumbe parcial en edificio Arbos, en Cayo Hueso, Centro Habana © Facebook/Yuricel Antonio Romero
Partial collapse of the Arbos building, in Key West, Central Havana Photo © Facebook/Yuricel Antonio Romero

And partial collapse of an uninhabited building It occurred in Central Havana on Wednesday morning, with no injuries reported.

A wall on one of the floors of the building collapsed, judging by the published images on Facebook by journalist Yuricel Antonio Romero, who did not provide further details about the incident.

Facebook capture/Yuricel Antonio Romero

The building is located on Oquendo Street, between San Miguel and San Rafael, in the populous Cayo Hueso neighborhood, the note indicated.

Its about in the Arbos building, at number 308 Oquendo Street, which suffered a partial collapse in February 2014, when its two upper floors collapsed, endangering the structure of the seven-story building with 120 apartments.

The nearly 600 residents had to abandon their homes, faced with the imminence of a total collapse, so the government authorities decreed the eviction, according to a newspaper report CubaNet.

For several days, most of the residents remained on the streets, where they slept and cooked. The government relocated some families to buildings in the Playa municipality and sent others to shelters, the press report indicated.

Built in 1928, the Arbos building was declared in danger of collapsing in 1988. But, despite its precarious condition, it was not vacated until the two upper floors collapsed, 26 years later.

For a decade, it has remained abandoned, without the government taking action on the matter, despite the risk that its gradual deterioration and the fall of parts of its structure pose to neighbors and passers-by.

The housing problems in Cuba continue to worsen due to the constant deterioration of old buildings, mainly those in the residential sector, which have not received repairs or maintenance for decades.

The situation is worsening due to the scourge of natural phenomena, such as recent storms that occurred in Havana and other western provinces.

Due to the impact of the strong storm last Friday, in the capital There were 18 total house collapses and 207 roof collapses.

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