The Cuban teenager who disappeared in Guantánamo is found in Yateras

The young woman had been missing for more than six days, with the help of the population the police found her this Sunday.

Lismay López González Photo © Facebook Miguel Noticias

The Cuban teenagerLismay López González (15 years old), who had been reported missing in Guantánamo since last Monday, was found by the police in the Yateras municipality.

Yolanda Escalante, the young woman's aunt, had asked for help on social networks to locate her niece who had been absent from home since March 25 in Guantánamo.

Facebook Miguel News

Journalist Miguel Reyes (Miguel Noticias) reportedabout this case and confirmed on Sunday night that the teenager is already in police custody.

"I appreciate the help provided in spreading the news, and I want to tell you that thanks to everyone, the teenager was found. At this moment we have just been notified. They have her in the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) of the Yateras municipality, carrying out the corresponding investigations "Thank you very much to everyone who in one way or another helped in his search," said Lismay's aunt.

This teenager's family spent days of great anguish. The reasons why the young woman was absent from her home for a week are unknown.

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