Authorities revealed this Friday the exact place where the incident occurred.plane crash in which three officers of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Cuba (FAR) died.
"The helicopter plunged into aarea in front of the Protocol terminal on runway 01/19 of the Antonio Maceo International Airport in the city of Santiago de Cuba when it was carrying out a test flight," they noted from the official Aviation profile in Cuba Admin, on Facebook.

Three members of the FAR died in the accident: Major Dairon González Espinosa (Shift Chief); First Lieutenant Carlos Enrique Frómeta Rodríguez (Copilot); and Second Lieutenant Yunier Céspedes Escalona (Flight Technician).
Thecauses of the plane crash They are still under investigation. The Ministry of the Armed Forces appointed a commission to handle the case directly.
The accident occurred around 5:00 am on April 11. Within a few hours there were reports on social media detailing how theMI-17 helicopter number H-115 He fell from a height of 10 meters, leaving no survivors.
The Cuban government's version took a while to reach the media. This caused discomfort in the people who wanted to know theidentity of deceased persons and the reasons for the unfortunate event.
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