Reward offered for stolen car in Havana

The car was stolen from the parking lot of the Fructuoso Rodríguez Hospital in Havana.

Auto robado © Facebook/Hospital Fructuoso Rodríguez
stolen car Photo © Facebook/Fructuoso Rodríguez Hospital

A Cuban woman identified in as María Antonieta Fernández offers2,000 dollars reward for a car that was stolen from the parking lot of a hospital in Havana.

"A few weeks ago my car was stolen from the parking lot of theFructuoso Rodríguez Hospital here in Havana... we give a good reward to anyone who gives us reliable information about the whereabouts of the car or if it has been seen anywhere," he expressed in his publication.

The woman left the phone number 52814813 for any information.

Publication in

For several years now, Cuba has suffered a crime wave with numerous robberies and assaults committed by people who even resort to physical violence and murder to seize the victims' property.

According to reports on official profiles on social networks, theLast year several people were arrested for the alleged continued theft of cars parked in Havana.

Last year, the owners of a Kia Picanto brand car offered a reward of 100 thousand Cuban pesos to anyone who provides information about the vehicle, which was stolen in Colón, Matanzas.

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