Man suffers a medical emergency in Havana and drivers avoid stopping to help

The incident occurred on Águila Street.

A video released by Cubanet showed the moment when a group of people who helped a man who suffered a medical emergency on the central Águila Street, in Havana, witnessed the way in whichSeveral vehicles avoided requests for help.

In the middle of the hubbub - some browsing and others trying to help - Several of those present were outraged by the way in which three or four vehicles, including two almendrones, avoided stopping.

“He drives, he doesn't know if he'll get home alive today.”said a very upset witness in reference to one of the drivers who most clearly misunderstood.

The woman even managed to notice part of the vehicle's license plate number.

“If people knew that this was a crime”, you can hear what another of those present said.

In the images you can see that it was finally a yellow taxi that stopped and at least one person got in with the sick person to take him to a hospital.

In the comments section on the YouTube channel ofCubanet Most criticized the attitude of the drivers, although there were some who attributed the lack of empathy and solidarity to the fuel shortage.

“No one helps because fuel is expensive and lost”, asserted one person, an argument that was not enough for the majority.

"So much effort to create the 'new man', supposedly human and supportive, and it turned out worse than the old man"; “That is the reality that Cubans live today. Every man for himself”; “What a shame for the country and the people”; "Horrible!"; “It is very sad to see these things... God help us and have mercy,” others noted.

If you are a driver, what would you do in a case like this?

What do you think?


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