Leoni Torres shares video wearing a mustache and her fans react: "First time something doesn't fit you"

Although it was just a filter that the artist found funny, his fans did not agree with this image change.

Leoni Torres, accustomed to receiving praise and compliments from his fans, did not have the same luck this time; It turns out that he shared on Instagram a video showing off a mustache that caused almost general rejection from his followers.

Although it was just a filter that the artist found funny, when he asked “With a mustache or should I take it off?”, the answer was a practically unanimous no but quite strong criticism also came to light.

“You have me worried, you have always carried your stamp in everything, in your clothing, very well in line with your style and what you project, but be careful What's happening in these last few months? But still blessings,” wrote one of his followers and the singer's response was immediate.

Capture Instagram / Leoni Torres

“The mustache is a filter daughter. And for the rest He who stays with the same clothes and the same music will not be able to adapt to the times. We have to change. That's what traveling across the earth is about, otherwise it would be a great monotony that I am not willing to live with,” Leoni responded.

Capture Instagram / Leoni Torres

Such was the revolution caused by this false mustache, that the artist shared some videos in his stories to reassure his worried fans.

“A while ago I uploaded a video with this mustache. Logically it's a filter eh because I really enjoy this thing about filters"I found it very nice, but the funniest thing of all are the comments, they are so witty that I started reading a few of them, very funny, I laughed a lot," he said, amused.

Capture Instagram / Leoni Torres

“How can you believe that I'm going to grow that mustache! Oh really?", Leoni added for the peace of his followers.

However, the matter did not stop there and she launched a survey for women asking them whether or not they like men with beards.

Capture Instagram / Leoni Torres

In the case of artists, the man from Camagüey assures that it is just a matter of adapting to the new image. What do you think, would you get used to seeing Leoni with a mustache?

What do you think?


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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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