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Young man of Cuban origin killed in shooting in Doral receives posthumous degree from the University of Florida

George Alejandro Castellanos, the 23-year-old Cuban-born security guard who was killed during a shooting in Doral a few weeks before graduating from Florida International University (FIU), received a posthumous degree.

The family ofGeorge Alejandro Castellanos, hesecurity guard of Cuban origin killed during a shooting at the CityPlace shopping center in Doral, in Miami-Dade, received this Sunday theposthumous title awarded to the young man by Florida International University (FIU).

Castellanos, 23, who longed to graduate from university after strenuous years of study, was about to fulfill his dream whenHe was shot to death at the Martini Bar, where he worked as a security guard, in the early morning of April 6.

This Sunday morning, the young man was honored with a postmortem degree of Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from FIU, which was collected by his parents in a private ceremony with the university president.

In statements toTelemundo51, his father George Castellanos expressed through tears: “I feel destroyed. “Today would be a day to celebrate and for him to start living his life, with his daughter, with us, and I don't have it.”

“It is a title that he fought for all four years, he wanted to continue studying, he applied for the Police Academy, he wanted to continue putting down roots, and it was cut short. The only thing I keep about him is that title, it is the memory of my son's sacrifice,” he lamented disconsolately.

About himcrime that cut short the young man's lifeCastellanos Sr. stated: “It is something that has no answer, that has no explanation. I don't know why him. (…) Right now I don't know what to do, neither with my life nor with the life of my family. “They have destroyed us.”

The Cuban evoked the virtues of his deceased son: “It's an example in sports, at work, with the family, as a father (…) I always look for a negative detail and I don't have it.I have no negative details about my son”.

“He was an extraordinary child, in every way,” he said.Jeannine Castellanos, mother of the young man. "He is an example as a boy that you can do whatever you want, because he fulfilled all his goals: he worked, he took care of the girl, he went to school and he was able to graduate... He is not here, but he graduated."

“I'm very sad because I wish he was walking down the hall receiving his diploma instead of me,” she said. “We are very heartbroken with his degree and him not being here, but it is a legacy he will leave for other students so they can achieve everything they want.”

On what must have been a very special date for Castellanos, his parents, his little daughter and other family members attended the FIU graduation ceremony, where tribute was also paid to the young man before the degrees were awarded to everyone. the graduates.

“We hope that the awarding of the title provides some comfort and allows us to remember what dreams he had,” said FIU President Dr. Kenneth Jessel.

On the fateful early morning of April 6, a dispute between customers over a cushion at the Martini Bar led the young security guard to intervene in the argument, whena man, later identified as Jamal Wayne Wood, 37, pulled out a gun and killed Castellanos.

Two Doral Police officers confronted the subject and killed him at the scene.

In the exchange of fire, one of the agents was wounded in the leg and six other people were also hit by bullets. They all survived.

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