Cuban FIU student warns of a Marxist group meeting at that Florida university

"It is not clear who is behind this event," argues the young Cuban

Lexter Savio, a young Cuban who is studying a doctorate in Physics at theFlorida International University (FIU) denounced that a group identified as "Revolutionary and Marxist Students" has called for weekly meetings starting August 29 to promote the study of that ideology.

The poster in question - which the young man tore from a mural but which is posted in various places at the university - explains that, given the increase in the cost of living, the war in Ukraine, the brutality of the police and in general the worsening of the living conditions of the masses, there is a“urgent need for a revolution.”

The call ensures that “politicians will not make real changes in favor of the interests of the people” and that the new generations must take the future in their hands, which is why they must study to learn the key aspects of Marxist theory.

“I think this is terrible.”, Savio stated inFacebook, who described this call as extremely “dangerous.” The young man argued that many things that go wrong in the United States go that way because politicians take measures towards the left and towards Marxism.

“We Cubans know how this works, it is something very dangerous. For evil to triumph, it is only necessary for the good to say nothing and remain silent.If we do not raise our voices, these ideas and these movements will continue to spread throughout the United States and in a while it is not known what will happen to the new generations., who are seeing that possibility as an alternative and could end up destroying this country,” he indicated.

Lexter Savio gave as an example the way in which these Marxist ideas are thriving in other North American states and regretted that they are also already widespread in Florida.

"Marxim does not believe in private property, he does not believe in human rights and he opposes freedom", added the young man, all key principles in the US Constitution, which is why he considers that this announcement is unconstitutional.

“Under the banner of freedom of expression, these ideas are being allowed to gain strength. If it is happening here, in the heart of Miami, imagine at universities in other states," he insisted.

In statements afterAmerica Camel, the young man reiterated his concern, although he wanted to make it clear that it is not a course offered by the university, but rather a club that will meet every week starting August 29 at 7 pm in front of the Primera Casa headquarters. , in that center of higher studies.

Lexter, a Nuclear Physics graduate in Cuba and resident in Miami since 2016, showed the aforementioned media outlet other murals where the call remains published.

The young Cuban nuclear physicist says that he does not know if the call for the meeting of the Revolutionary and Marxist Students has any link with another group of FIU students who identify themselves as "Young Socialists and Democrats of America", with whom he assures that he has debated in their calls.

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