Cuban compares Cuba to Puerto Rico after returning to her country 18 years later

A young Cuban woman claimed to have felt better in Puerto Rico.

A young Cuban woman residing in the U.S., but who also lived in Puerto Rico, asked for opinions from her followers after comparing how badly she was treated upon her return to her home country compared to another visit she made to the so-called Island of Enchantment, where she claims she was treated very well.

The TikToker - identified as "Aloha Yeni" - pointed out that she left Cuba when she was a child and that over time, two of her children were born in Puerto Rico. Nevertheless, the young woman emphasized that she does not feel strongly attached to any country and that her judgments are based on her experiences rather than on subjective feelings.

"My way of thinking is that I do not die for any country, not for Cuba, not for Puerto Rico, not for the U.S. I die for my children and I recognize the good things from all sides. Even if I am Cuban, if I see something wrong, I say it. I am not interested in my children being Puerto Rican, if I see something wrong, I say it too. The same goes for the United States," she clarified before recounting her experiences on the two islands she is vitally linked to.

Aloha Yeni says that upon returning to Cuba 18 years later, things were not the same, and not precisely because of material scarcity, but due to poverty in formal education and in general treatment.

She says that it was not that the neighbors did not greet her, but that everyone's treatment towards her was not natural and was marked by ulterior motives.

In addition to that, there was the mistreatment he suffered at the airport and at all the places he visited, with the exception of only one paladar in Marianao that he said he loved.

She states that they only greeted her good morning if she did so first, and they always responded with a look as if to say, "Who does she think she is trying to act like an American."

"They treated me as a foreigner and not as a Cuban. It doesn't make you want to come back, much less eventually return to live in your country if it ever became free," she concluded.

However, returning to Puerto Rico tells a very different story.

“When I went to Puerto Rico, the feeling was completely different. Despite all those who say that there is violence and all this madness. I did not experience that anywhere I went and traveled across the whole of Puerto Rico,” he stated.

I regret to inform you that the people of Puerto Rico are much friendlier than the people of Cuba because in Cuba everyone is arrogant. Everyone is complex and if they don't know you and you're not a tourist with whom they can have some kind of opportunity to take advantage of you, they treat you like a nobody," he compared.

The Cuban woman said she was asking that because in her house everyone is Cuban and they all die for Cuba even though the experiences are negative like the ones she lived through.

In the comments section, many internet users agreed with her, although some blamed Castroism for the deterioration and degeneration of Cuban society, which prompted her to express her disagreement in another video.

"I am a little tired of the eternal excuse of Cubans who say that everything must be blamed on Fidel and communism [...] Stop comparing what is a necessity with the idiosyncrasy of the human being," she asserted.

The TikToker used as an example other countries that also have poverty and a very bad situation - even worse than in Cuba - and yet they are not as arrogant and conceited as she saw the Cuban residents on the island.

The controversy is served. What do you think?

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