Vice President of Asturias explains how to request economic aid from Cuba

The number two of the Principality, Gimena Llamedo, clarifies who and how can benefit from subsidies to emigrate and settle in Spain and intended for those who are going through a difficult economic situation

The vice president of Asturias (Spain), Gimena Llamedo, has spoken with CyberCuba on two aid packages promoted by the Government to which it belongs to favor, on the one hand, the return (to Spain) of Asturian emigrants and their relatives residing in Cuba, with a direct subsidy of up to 6,000 euros per family nucleus, and on the other On the other hand, support Asturians or descendants of Asturians, over 65 years of age, who are going through a delicate economic situation on the Island.

The first of the subsidies, for the return of emigrants, can be requested, once you have arrived in Spain, as long as you have had Spanish nationality for at least four years previously, being Asturian by birth or the son or grandson of an Asturian resident in Cuba. . The aid, which usually ranges between 3,000 and 6,000 euros (in a single payment), requires you to live a minimum of two years in Asturias. Although this call is permanently open, another one will be released in July of this year that makes the requirements for requesting it more flexible..

"In Asturias we are giving an important boost to emigration and return policies and we want to accompany and be close to the people who want to return to Asturias. Not only with this financial aid but also with comprehensive advice through the return office," said Vice President Llamedo. To request this help or clarify doubts in this regard, you must write to the email, clarified the number two of the Asturian Government.

The other aid is aimed at people over 65 years of age or their children residing in Cuba., who are in a delicate economic situation. The requirements requested can be found on the Government of Asturias website. What they ask for most are sworn statements. That is, a written commitment from the person requesting help, with which he attests that he is going through a difficult financial situation and that he does not have properties that give him financial return nor has he recently donated them. This call for aid closes on June 7.

Last year, 497 Cubans requested this aid, but from the Principality of Asturias they have been able to verify that requests have increased since the pandemic until now. In fact, on this occasion there are 150,000 euros available for aid to Asturian descendants in Cuba or their children and there are already 600 applications processed by social workers that the Government of Asturias sent to the Island for a month to tour the entire country formalizing the requests for aid to which Asturian-Cubans are entitled.

An important fact is that only Asturians or their descendants can aspire to this aid. If you have Spanish nationality, but your family is from Galicia, the Canary Islands or Andalusia, you are not entitled to receive the subsidy. There are up to 440,000 euros, 30,000 more than the call that is still in force for Latin America, Central America and the Greater Antilles.

"It is an effort that we make from this land and we do it for Asturians or descendants of Asturians who want to return," said Gimena Llamedo, who commented that they also have the "Añoranza" program available for people who want to return to Asturias at an age advanced can do it. Descendants of Asturians who want to travel to Spain to discover the land of their parents or grandparents can be welcomed.

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Tania Costa

(Havana, 1973) lives in Spain. He has directed the Spanish newspaper El Faro de Melilla and FaroTV Melilla. She was head of the Murcian edition of 20 minutes and Communications advisor to the Vice Presidency of the Government of Murcia (Spain).

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