Young Cuban shows the deportation center in Russia where he has been detained for more than a month

The young man showed the conditions in which he lives in isolation prior to deportation from Russia.

A young Cuban showed what a deportation center in Russia is like and his video has generated empathy from his followers.

The Cuban who identifies himself on Instagram as joeelito_97 narrated the experience of his day-to-day life since he has been locked up in that place, without specifying the city in which he is located.

“I have been in a deportation center for 38 days… and after terrorist incident in Moscow “The police arrested me at my house,” said the young man who said he had been living in Russia for just over two years.

The young man points out the conditions in which he lives inside the detention center. His room is shared with six other immigrants and has a thick door that isolates him from the rest of the place.

In the video he also showed that they keep their clothes inside small lockers, as well as the bathroom, which only has a toilet and a hose with a basin.

“Showers are taken once a week,” he confessed to explain why there were no showers in the place.

He also warned about the grill that is located on the window, which overlooks a space where they are allowed out for one hour a day, considered a patio.

This young man, father of a girl to whom he also dedicates words on his Instagram profile, is one of the many Cubans who have seen their dreams of emigrating to a country where they can improve economically and get out of the crisis in Cuba broken. .

Following President Vladimir Putin's call to contain illegal emigration in response to the terrorist attack near Moscow on March 22, many Cubans have been detained and expelled from the Eurasian nation.

A statement on the portal Bez Formata He reported that On March 30, a Cuban woman and her minor children were detained 3,600 meters from the state border of the Russian Federation and expelled..

Rojina Katia Figueroa López and the minors Carlos Daniel Reyes Figueroa, Jorge Luis Arias Figueroa and Javier Alejandro Figueroa López They were found without adequate documents to be in the border area.

"By the decision of the Sebezhsky District Court of the Pskov Region dated April 1, 2024, citizens of the Republic of Cuba were found guilty of committing an administrative offense and subjected to an administrative penalty in the form of a fine of 500 rubles, with mandatory administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation," the statement says.

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