Cuban in Uruguay: "Here I discovered that there is much more than congrí and pork."

The Cuban José Luis Savio admits that outside the island he has discovered a new world of sensations.

Often, emigrating from Cuba is compared to discovering the world, like a child experiencing new sensations. One of the main discoveries for Cubans when escaping the regime is gastronomy.

In this sense, the Cuban José Luis Savio, who resides in Uruguay, explained on Facebook that in that country he learned that there is a world beyond congri and pork chops.

"I'm going to tell you three things that fascinate me about Uruguay," the man said, explaining that until that moment he had been unaware of their existence and therefore had never tried them.

His first discovery is mate, a drink of which he admitted to being "addicted".

The second discovery was dulce de leche. "I don't know if it's good or bad quality because I like any kind."

"The third, very difficult in Cuba, is grilling," Savio expressed, admitting that Uruguayans are "the masters of that (barbecues)."

On the other side of the coin are Cubans who emigrate and popularize the food of the Caribbean nation in the countries that welcome them.

For example, the so-called Cuban pizza has caused a sensation in Mexico.

Three migrants made this dish very popular in Reynosa when they decided to start a small food business while waiting for their political asylum turn in the United States, becoming a novelty in the area at that time.

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