Cubans help rescue a couple in an accident in Miami.

Cubans rescued a couple trapped in their overturned car in Miami. They broke the windshield to help them safely get out.

Cuban residents in Miami witnessed a dramatic car accident and immediately came to the rescue of a couple who were trapped inside a vehicle.

The car was overturned after the impact. Inside, the two occupants were trapped, visibly shaken by the scare.

The video was shared by the Instagram profile Miami Problems. They did not confirm the address where the accident occurred, but it happened in a busy area where the group of Cubans were present and did not hesitate to come to offer help.

The rescuers used improvised tools to break the windshield of the vehicle and managed to get the couple out unharmed.

The rescued individuals embraced emotionally once out of danger, thanking the quick and decisive intervention of their saviors.

This act highlights the solidarity and community spirit of Cubans in times of emergency, demonstrating that even in difficult situations, unity and mutual support can make a big difference.

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