With the "Marca Mandarina" included! TikToker shows the differences between a foreigner and a Cuban at the wheel.

A Cuban woman in the United States shares a funny video on TikTok showing the differences between how American women (Gringas) and Cuban women experience traffic jams, using humor and the song "Marca mandarina" by Oniel Bebeshito and El Taiger.

TikTok is a social network where humor has a significant presence, and many users share funny videos highlighting the cultural differences they see between their nationality and others. This is the case of a Cuban living in the United States who exemplified how American women and Cuban women experience traffic jams, and the result is hilarious.

The user who posted this cute video is @miss_katherine_, who showed how American women and Cuban women behave, with the Americans being calm and serene, a stark contrast to the women from the island...

At one point, he even mentioned "Mandarin Brand," the success of Oniel Bebeshito and El Taiger that is sweeping through the Cuban community.

He even showed how they react to a problem with the driver next to them. "No, it's okay. It's nothing. I mean, don't worry," she says when she's American, speaking in English. The Cuban's reaction is very different. "Who gave you your license? Can't you see you almost hit my car? Don't talk quietly so you know!", she yells at the car next to her.

The video generated dozens of reactions, the majority of them from Cubans confirming that they felt identified with Katherine's way of acting.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Journalist for CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Contributor to El Mundo and PlayGround.

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