Man murders his wife and flees in Holguín

The man would have murdered his partner Ariadna Gámez Quintana, 32 years old and mother of four children.

Yusnier Figueredo Almaguer © Facebook/Yusnier Figueredo Almaguer
Yusnier Figueredo AlmaguerPhoto © Facebook/Yusnier Figueredo Almaguer

A Cuban man identified as Yusnier Figueredo Almaguer is a fugitive from justice after allegedly murdering his wife in the province of Holguín.

The victim's relatives issued a call through their social networks to alert and seek support from the public to find the fugitive, in the face of the state's silence on facts related to femicides.

The man allegedly murdered his wife, Ariadna Gámez Quintana, 32 years old and mother of four children, on the afternoon of May 28th.

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The victim's family requests providing any information related to Figueredo Almaguer to the Police, or to the phone number 5455 8375, according to a post by Diarlin Domínguez Quintana, the deceased's sister.

"My sister still can't believe that you have left this world, you have left behind a huge sadness... May God have you in a beautiful place," wrote Domínguez Quintana on Facebook the night of the crime.

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The woman had been in a relationship with her feminicide for several years, who would be the father of some of her children.

Her neighbors described her as a cheerful young woman who enjoyed family parties.

The Gender Observatory Alas Tensas (OGAT) verified a new femicide that occurred in the province of Santiago de Cuba last April, which was considered the 17th event of this kind on the island so far in 2024.

Until May 27, 19 feminicides had been confirmed in the country, so Ariadna Gámez Quintana's could be considered the 20th.

One day later, on May 29, the violent death of a woman in Cienfuegos at the hands of the deceased's partner was reported, bringing the number of femicides in Cuba to 21. This man also murdered a grocer who lived near his home, supposedly motivated by jealousy.

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