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Young mother would have been murdered by her ex-partner in Villa Clara

Identified as Yudely Chongo, the young woman died presumably at the hands of her ex-partner, between April 19 and 20, in the town of Mataguá, in the municipality of Manicaragua.

Carretera en Mataguá, Manicaragua, donde ocurrió el crimen (imagen de referencia) © Wikipedia/Dэя-Бøяg
Road in Mataguá, Manicaragua, where the crime occurred (reference image) Photo © Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ayoung Cuban mother would have been murdered by her ex-partner in the municipality of Manicaragua, in Villa Clara, according topreliminary reports of violence against women observatories.

Identified asYudely Chongo, the youngHe died presumably at the hands of his ex-partner, between April 19 and 20, in the town of Mataguá, published this Monday by the independent feminist platforms YoSíTeCreo in Cuba (YSTCC) and Alas Tensas (OGAT), which requested information about the case and provided the information so that anyone can contact them.

Capture of Facebook/YoYesTeCreo in Cuba

Yudely's death, allegedly afeminicide, adds to the17 confirmed in Cuba so far this year by both organizations, which keep an under-record of the acts of sexist violence in the country.

The most recent feminicide occurred on April 17, in the town of Chivirico, Guamá, in the province of Santiago de Cuba.

Ariannis Torres Tamayo, 38 years old and mother of three, was attacked with a knife to death by her ex-partner, on public roads. The murderer was identified as Waldesnay Sanz Naranjo.

The platforms reported that up to that date they had also registeredtwo attempts at feminicide andfive cases of murders of women that require access to the police investigation: one in Villa Clara, two in Santiago de Cuba and two more in Havana.

OGAT and YSTCC indicated that they continued to investigate several alerts in the provinces of Manzanillo, Ciego de Ávila, Havana and Artemisa of events "published by the press, citizens and activists."

Cuba closed 2023 with the highest number of femicides in a year since both independent organizations began to underreport these cases in 2019.

Between that year and last, they verified a total of220 femicides in Cuba, of which 89 were committed in 2023.

Five Cubans were sentenced to life imprisonment for femicides in 2023, as reported by officials of the Supreme Court and the Attorney General's Office in the television program “We Make Cuba,” hosted by the regime's spokesperson Humberto López.

The previous year, the Cuban judicial system also sentenced two other feminicides to 40 years in prison and more than 70% of the accused to sentences between 25 and 30 years in prison.

The Cuban regime did not include the figure of feminicide in thenew Penal Code approved in May 2022.

Cuban legislation contemplates the crime of “murder” and establishes “sanctions of 20 to 30 years in prison, perpetual deprivation of liberty or death for anyone who deprives a woman of her life as a consequence of gender violence.”

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