"HUMOR! Cuban succeeds with his explanation of the power outages in Cuba: 'Other countries should copy us'"

A Cuban triumphs on TikTok with his clever explanation about the blackouts in Cuba.

A Cuban from the island has conquered TikTok with his explanation of the blackouts in Cuba. With a great dose of humor, this man claimed that the reason for the power outages is for people to communicate.

The video, shared by @yaylenfrometa, caused laughter among the Cuban TikTok community.

"We are cutting the power because the issue is that we conducted a study and there is no social communication," said this Cuban at the beginning of the audiovisual.

"We cut off the power for just four hours and in the end, it benefits the country and people go out into the streets and communicate. There is an exchange between people and look at what a beautiful gathering here. It is proving to be effective. Other countries should copy us. In other countries, everyone is focused on their cell phone, their car, air conditioning... Human warmth is important," added this Cuban in the middle of the street in Havana.

"I love it when Cubans use double entendres", "Thanks to that Cuban humor they survive", "We laugh at our own misfortune", "Cubans are the best" or "Cuba, the most connected country, hahaha," say some comments alongside this fun video.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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