Power outages in Cuba for this Monday with an impact of 680 MW during peak hours.

On Sunday, there were power outages all day, and the service was restored on Monday at 2:40 am. The maximum impact was 825 MW at 8:40 pm.

Vela encendida en medio de apagón en Cuba (Imagen referencial) © CiberCuba
Candle lit in the middle of a power outage in Cuba (Reference image)Photo © CiberCuba

The Electric Union (UNE) of Cuba announces power outages for this Monday starting at noon, with a maximum impact of 680 MW during peak hours.

On Sunday, there were power outages throughout the day, and the service was restored at 2:40 am. The maximum disruption was of 825 MW at 8:40 pm.

This Monday, the availability of the national electric system (SEN) at 7:00 am was 2440 MW and the demand was 2350 MW, with the entire system in service. A decrease of 400 MW is expected by noon.

During peak hours, a availability of 2590 MW is expected with a maximum demand of 3200 MW, resulting in a deficit of 610 MW. The forecast predicts an impact of 680 MW.

The figure is lower than the 825 MW of the previous day. However, it often happens that reality is always worse than the forecast. If on Sunday the UNE report announced an impact of 610 MW, this Monday it is very likely that the 680 MW announced will also fall short.

Facebook screenshot / Unión Eléctrica UNE

At this time, following the early morning synchronization of the Antonio Guiteras thermoelectric plant, three units from the Nuevitas, Felton, and Rente power plants are out of service due to breakdowns, as well as a block of the Santa Cruz CTE that is undergoing maintenance.

On the other hand, 62 distributed generation plants are stopped due to lack of fuel, with 458 MW affected, and there are limitations in 414 MW of thermal generation.

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