Cuban comedian Limay Blanco, who recently provided a rechargeable fan to a needy Cuban mother, has decided to expand this initiative to benefit more bedridden children and elderly individuals. This Saturday, he called on the Cuban community for assistance.
"We want to buy 100 rechargeable fans to donate in the fields for babies and for the elderly who are bedridden," the comedian stated on Facebook, highlighting that they currently have 13 devices.
"Help me with whatever you can to buy the fans," Blanco said on the social media platform Facebook, asking for the assistance of those who could support the initiative, a way to help some people endure the nightly blackouts.
Similarly, the comedian pointed out that although it's not a solution to the problem of power outages in Cuba, he asked not to be criticized for his willingness to "try to put a little patch on a crack."
Recently, Blanco shared a video in which he can be seen handing out lollipops to Cuban children who are patiently waiting in line outside his house.
"And don't make me wait any longer, I'm already on sick leave," Limay jokes in the heartfelt video that has touched social media and sparked reactions from his followers, who applaud his new gesture. This adds to the many acts of solidarity and his commendable efforts to support Cubans in need that he has been recognized for over the years.
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