A young person mixes Cuba and Mexico in a unique taco recipe.

The Cuban woman prepared a picadillo (ground meat) similar to the one made in the Caribbean island.

A young woman recently shared a video on social media showing how to prepare a recipe for Mexican tacos while delving into the culture of that country, but adding a Cuban flavor and style.

"To connect a bit more with the (Mexican) culture, I decided to make some homemade tacos, a bit in my style," said Yoliene, a Cuban, in a video posted on Facebook.

On this occasion, the young woman chose whole wheat tortillas. In Mexico, the locals prefer corn tortillas; however, among Cubans, those made with wheat as the main ingredient are more popular.

The "Cuban" style recipe also includes avocado, lemon, bell pepper, tomato, white onion, manchego cheese, olive oil, and ground beef or picadillo.

After sautéing the chili and onion in olive oil, she cooked the ground meat, "which in Cuba we call picadillo," the young woman clarified.

The Cuban woman also showed the preparation of guacamole, with avocado, onion, tomato, lemon, and olive oil.

We added Manchego cheese to the tortilla, letting it melt.

Finally, the video showed the final preparation: ground beef, guacamole, spices were added to the cheese tortilla, "and there you have it: Delicious!"

It is common for Cuban immigrants, in that cultural clash, to mix the deeply rooted traditions of their homeland with those of the new country of residence.

A Cuban in Paraguay set the goal of discovering the gastronomy of his new place of residence, admitting that the world of new flavors opening up before his eyes has left him amazed.

The young man known as Harche Vlogs on TikTok expressed, "God, how easy it is to make a Cuban happy!" in a video where he is seen trying out various dishes from Paraguayan cuisine.

The three dishes that paraded in front of the Cuban were chipitas, mbellú, and homemade boríu, eliciting several gestures of true culinary enjoyment and delight.

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