They reactivate the FAPI in Santiago de Cuba: Children will support economic and social activities

The initiative aims to raise social awareness among children in the midst of an economic crisis marked by inflation and power outages.

The regime plans to reactivate in Santiago de Cuba the Pioneer Action Forces (FAPI), an initiative aimed at involving children in economic and social activities during the summer, according to official sources.

In a meeting held between Beatriz Johnson, First Secretary of the Party, and student and youth leaders from the municipality of Palma Soriano, it was reported that the reactivation of the so-called FAPI will be part of the initiatives to be implemented during the summer period, as reported by the official Tele Turquino channel.

In a context marked by inflation, the worsening of the economic crisis, and blackouts, the regime seeks to create social awareness in children by involving them in activities related to schools and communities during the summer.

Some time ago, the FAPI took the children to economic entities near educational centers to help clean the areas, beautify gardens, recycle raw materials, and perform other similar tasks.

The official report quoted Lisbeth Ramírez, First Secretary of the Union of Communist Youth (UJC) in the province, who pointed out that the idea is for children and young people to combine recreational activities during the summer and "support productive tasks, social growth in neighborhoods and transforming communities, and in their own areas of residence."

With all of this, the government is trying to "rescue" old formulas that once succeeded in motivating children, teenagers, and young people to get involved in initiatives advocating for community development and active participation in the country's economic and social life.

Recently, the regime has revived another one of these old initiatives with the return of the so-called "Click Patrols," through which children will be used to monitor electricity consumption in their homes and communities.

This program, promoted by the UJC and the José Martí Pioneers Organization (OPJM), has recently been relaunched.

Through a new propaganda spot, the government encourages schools and the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) to mobilize children "in order to contribute to energy saving" across the country.

The "Click Patrols" are responsible for visiting homes and workplaces within the CDR's area of influence.

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