Child thanks for living outside of Cuba: "Mom escaped from communism, I don't have to share a table at Coppelia"

In a humorous video, the child shared five reasons why he is grateful that his mom escaped from communism in Cuba.

A funny video is circulating on social media, where a child gives the reasons why he is thankful that his mom escaped from communism in Cuba.

Annie Soto, who resides in Orlando, United States, shared a reel on Facebook where one of her three children is seen giving the reasons why they are thankful for not living in Cuba.

Every discussion begins with: "My mom escaped from communism," followed by a reason.

The first one is that "now I won't have to take two Polivit before lunch", alluding to an old custom in Cuba of taking vitamins before eating.

The second argument is: "Now I can have the malt and I won't have to take a gulp of Novatropin," referring to the custom of grandmothers thinking that the drink caused indigestion.

"Now I won't have to share a table at Coppelia," is the third statement, highlighting a common and unpleasant practice in gastronomic establishments in Cuba, where you are often forced to sit with complete strangers.

The child expressed that he will not get to know the gentian violets as a fourth reason, because his mom escaped from communism.

"Now I won't have to say, 'Stop the car,' " she argued as a fifth, showing her gratitude for not residing in Cuba.

Recently, a young man joked about the conditions under which Cubans should not leave the country, exposing several reasons why he considers the island an attractive place.

The Instagram user identified as aleeitoh pointed out peanut butter as the main reason.

"We have one of the seven wonders of the world as any Cuban would say, obviously I'm talking about ground peanuts," he said in a transition of images that makes the observer think he was going to talk about coffee.

Following in importance were power outages, which were described as a government concern "so that we can sleep well and rest."

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