Discomfort due to a sensation of sand in bread reaches Santiago de Cuba.

The response received by the residents of Santiago is that this sensation is the result of a shipment of flour received in the area.

Despite the refusal of the authorities of the Party and the Government in Santiago de Cuba, the population of that territory expressed their complaint on a television program about the sensation of tasting sand in the bread they receive through the ration book.

During a program broadcasted by the local official channel TV Santiago, the governor of the eastern province Manuel Falcón Hernández justified the population's opinion on the type of flour that has arrived in that province.

"In some places it is more pronounced than in others, based on the different alternatives that bakers use to make bread," said Falcón Hernández on the program where the first secretary of the Communist Party, Beatriz Johnson, was also present.

The executive assured viewers that that bread "has no issue", stating that it has been evaluated by a commission.

"This is the second time that flour, which comes from abroad and has those characteristics, has arrived," specified.

He stressed that the product poses no risks to human consumption; however, the population's complaints also concern the taste, an issue that the governor of Santiago did not address.

The grainy taste that Cubans perceive in the bread that the government sells them in a rationed manner led a reader to show up at the Periódico 26 office in Las Tunas at the end of last May to expose this situation.

The situation has generated significant unrest among the inhabitants of the province, who have expressed their indignation at what they consider a lack of respect on the part of the government.

The official response came from the executives of the Food Industry in the territory, who explained that the problem lies in a shipment of wheat from Russia that arrived at the port of Santiago this month of May.

According to the authorities, said wheat had a high level of impurities that, due to the technological limitations of the Cuban industry, are difficult to completely eliminate.

In Guantánamo, authorities also denied that the bread contained sand, following numerous complaints from the population about the poor quality of this food.

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