Cuban celebrates having left Miami: "We bought our first car debt-free and a house in a year"

A Cuban woman moves from Miami and lists all her achievements after leaving the city in Florida.

In a viral TikTok video, a Cuban woman (@eliiiii2020) shared how her life changed dramatically after moving to Mississippi following seven years of living in Miami.

"When after 7 years I decide to leave Miami, it started to sound like this. We bought our first car with no debt. My son had a space to play. I can go back to Cuba," stated the woman, highlighting the achievements reached in her new stage of life in Mississippi and proudly displaying her accomplishments, including a Dodge Durango.

The Cuban woman proudly shared that after leaving Miami, she was able to also acquire a truck, have her second baby, and buy a house within a year. These were great achievements for this family. "For me, this is everything now," she stated, emphasizing the satisfaction and positive change she experienced after leaving Miami.

"Finally, I managed to make my business grow," he concluded, demonstrating how the change of city not only allowed him to establish a more comfortable life but also to develop his entrepreneurship.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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