American soldier tries Cuban coffee for the first time and Cubans react: "Someone is not going to sleep for a week"

VIRAL: Reaction of an American military member trying Cuban coffee for the first time

A Cuban military member in the United States gave his colleague a taste of Cuban coffee for the first time and shared his reaction on TikTok in a video that has gone viral.

On TikTok, this Cuban who goes by the username @0.jairon.0, posted the video in which we see him offering a small cup of coffee. "Don't think about it, just boom," the Cuban tells him. "It's good. It's strong," comments this American soldier before drinking water.

Cubans on TikTok have not hesitated to react to these images, and among the comments that can be read alongside the video, we find messages such as:

"He drank it as if it were tequila", "This is not how you drink coffee, sip by sip to better savor it, I gulp it down as if it were a purge", "Who in their right mind drinks a strong coffee like that, that's to be enjoyed", "Someone won't be sleeping for a week", "I need to know how the day ended?!!!! Hahahaha", "You got him hooked", "Cuban gasoline", "That coffee is made for gladiators" or "He chugged that coffee like tequila".

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Previously worked as an editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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