A Cuban woman in the United States distributes bread to people on the street: "May God allow me to do this one day in my Cuba."

The Cuban woman received an incorrect order of bread that was going to be thrown away at her job.

After her viral walk in a towel through a supermarket in the United States, Cuban Mabele Amelia Padilla Martínez surprised her followers on social media once again, but this time with a kind and touching gesture: she distributed bread to people on the street.

According to what this Cuban woman recounted in a video she uploaded to her Facebook profile, an incorrect order of bread arrived at her workplace. The shipment, which was wrong, was destined to be thrown away despite being in good condition. However, Mabele decided to keep them to give them away to people on the street.

"They are not expired, they are fresh. I am going to keep some packages for myself and my mom, and the rest we are going to give to people in need," said Mabele, whom we see in the video handing out the bread to different people she came across on the street.

Being Cuban, I couldn't allow these freshly baked bread loaves to end up in the trash. God allow me to do the same thing one day but in my Cuba. The feeling of sharing is unique," she wrote alongside the post.

In the face of this beautiful gesture by this Cuban woman, her followers and other users have congratulated and applauded her.

"That's the attitude, my queen. When I say it and repeat it, and it's not just chatter, you are exceptional, unique and that's why you will go very far." "That's how Cubans are, unique in the world." "What a nice gesture, Mabele, to help people. It's a crime to throw away that bread when others need it. Health and blessings to you." "That's the attitude of a good Cuban and excellent human being that you are. Greetings and blessings from Cuba." "Very nice action you have taken, like a good Cuban, my respects and greetings to you." "What a nice gesture, that's why life will help you a lot because of your huge heart. Many blessings to you and your whole family," are some of the comments they left.

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Izabela Pecherska

Writer at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Writer at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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