In the last 24 hours, Guantánamo has been the scene of 23 thefts and sacrificial killings of large livestock, according to reports from the provincial government.
The incidents reflect a sustained increase in this type of crime in the region, adding to other thefts and social indiscipline that affect both the population and the local economy.
Alis Azahares Torreblanca, Governor of Guantanamo, emphasized the need for a more integrative and effective work by the various inspection bodies in all municipalities, but did not offer details on what strategy the police will assume to curb crime.
In May, farmers in Guantánamo criticized the lack of police action to stop the butchers and thieves. They claim that the criminals enter their properties to sacrifice animals and steal their crops.
Even if the peasants catch the butchers in the act, it is not enough for the police, because the prosecution must present at least three witnesses to corroborate their testimony.
The increase in theft and slaughter of livestock is not only reported in Guantanamo, but in all provinces of the country.
The increase in large livestock slaughters highlights the need for more integrated and vigorous actions by the authorities in all rural areas of Cuba.
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