Violent arrest of a Cuban in his home for alleged possession of beef

Cuban authorities assure that the man committed several crimes and resisted arrest.

The Cuban Anisleidis Parra Muñoz He reported on social media the violent arrest of a relative of his, inside the house and in front of several minors.

This woman from Santiago assured that Mella Municipal Police, in Santiago de Cuba, entered her house without a search warrant or witnesses from the community, and "beat her husband" and her stepson, who is a minor.

Facebook Anisleidis Parra Muñoz

His little girls were also present at the house and witnessed the entire traumatic moment of the citizen's arrest.

"They finished everything. Please, I ask you to share the video so that justice is done," Parra Muñoz commented on her Facebook profile. The publication was quickly shared and received numerous comments.

The Cuban authorities also used social networks to report their version of the events, not from an official account, but from a profile associated with the Ministry of the Interior in Cuba.

Facebook Heroes of Moncada

The user of Facebook Heroes of Moncada, pointed out that what happened in Mella was the action of the Cuban police after receiving a complaint from residents of the town "13 de Marzo" where they stated that in Anisleidis' home there were remains of what looked like a dismembered beef.

"The police officers went to the aforementioned residence, where they verified the information and seized the instruments with traces of blood and what appeared to be cattle meat"said the official profile.

"During the police action to arrest the citizen, alleged perpetrator of an act of illegal cattle slaughter, offered resistance as did her sister who was at the scene and filmed the actions of the officers while she offended them and tried to attack them, as can be seen in the video that she herself published on her Facebook profile," the text says.

The Cuban authorities consider that Anisleidis, with his complaint video, intends to manipulate this fact, "denigrate the PNR and victimize people who clearly committed several crimes."

Among these crimes, they point out "one that has yet to be clarified, which is the illegal slaughter of livestock" and warn of "others documented and published by the authors of the video themselves, such as contempt, resistance, and disobedience."

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