“The police do not believe in us” denounce young ranchers from Santiago de Cuba

Livestock farmers in the province of Santiago de Cuba warned that the police do not believe in them when they report the theft and slaughter of cattle.

Young ranchers from the province of Santiago de Cuba reported that police officers do not believe in them when they report the theft and slaughter of cattle.

“When the complaint was made, they took them to the police and I came out as a liar. The authority is not giving us value,” said a young producer from the municipality of Palma Soriano, reported the official media. Teleturquino.

During a meeting between ranchers, leaders of the sector and the party, another young woman explained that she was not believed either: “We go to the police, we file a report that a cow was stolen from us, and they don't believe us, and yet "They know who the bandits are, because they have to have a list of how many young people there are disengaged who do not work."

The girl warned about the vulnerability that exists on her farm: “I deliver milk, meat, various crops and yet the boys who accompany me, I have to separate them from many jobs because not even in one's own pastures is the livestock safe.”

Another young rancher explained that They themselves have organized some tours to protect the cattle and denounced that they do not receive support from the Credit and Services Cooperative.

“It is pitiful when we go to the government to look for even 50 liters of fuel to see how we can get these young people to continue preparing the land, right now we have more than 570 hectares of unprepared land. We know the problems that exist in the country, but we have to prioritize a little,” said another producer.

Finally, a young farmer added that this is the date that some have not received payment for the corn they delivered in 2023, and he asked himself: “without the money in hand, how are you going to prepare the land again?”

In 2023, The Cuban government admitted that the increase in cattle theft and slaughter major kept the Cuban producers in check.

The situation affects the obtaining of milk in the country, which according to data from the National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI), the nation produces this food less currently than during the so-called Special Period, or crisis of the 90s.

To have greater control over the mass of cattle, last January the Cuban regime announced that would paralyze the sale and purchase of livestock between individuals.

Only the "transfer of animals for delivery to slaughter for balance, or emergency sanitary slaughter" is authorized, the official newspaper published Granma.

The measure is part of an exercise to control the possession, use and legality of land and livestock, to evaluate the current situation of the sector in Cuba.

This audit of existing livestock on the island occurs after last year several provinces lost thousands of animals due to theft and sacrifice. For these reasons, in Holguín alone, more than 7,400 animals were lost in 2023.

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