A 17-year-old youth who died in Santiago de Cuba is mourned at his home.

Relatives and friends bid farewell to the young man who passed away due to a brain infection diagnosed belatedly.

Despiden en su hogar al joven Héctor Eduardo Tamayo Burgos © Collage Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
The young Héctor Eduardo Tamayo Burgos is being laid to rest at his home.Photo © Collage Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Family and friends bid farewell to Hector Eduardo Tamayo Burgos at his home, a 17-year-old young man who passed away this Sunday in Santiago de Cuba after weeks of hospitalization due to a belatedly diagnosed brain infection.

Journalist Yosmany Mayeta reported on Facebook that the body of the young man is being waked at his home, in the Altamira neighborhood, in the head city.

Screenshot from Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta

Kirenia Burgos, the young man's mother, obtained a special permit from the prison where she is incarcerated so she could say goodbye to her son.

The mother has expressed her gratitude for all the prayers that were directed to God for the recovery of her son, who was in a coma before passing away, Mayeta indicated.

The burial is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. this Monday, starting from his house to the city cemetery, where Tamayo will receive his final farewell.

Recently, a young father of a four-year-old child died in Santiago de Cuba as a result of alleged medical negligence at the Ambrosio Grillo Hospital, located in the town of El Cobre.

Something came out of his nose that turned into cellulitis. It seems that he got a bacterial infection. They took him to the doctor because he was in a lot of pain, and you know how medical care is in Cuba; they didn't give him the right medication. They were controlling it with pills, and it wasn't what he was supposed to take," a family member recounted in an audio message to journalist Mayeta.

The victim, 34 years old and identified as Yasser Sánchez, lived in the neighborhood of Los Pinos, where his neighbors have been shocked by his death.

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