A man dies in the middle of the street in Santiago de Cuba.

The body has been lying on a sidewalk for over three hours, with the Forensic Medicine department not having shown up to collect it.

An older man died this Monday in the middle of the street in the city of Santiago de Cuba for reasons that are unknown.

The man - who apparently lived on the street and was known as "Chepio" - died on San Bartolomé street between Santa Isabel and Martí, near Paseo Martí, as journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada announced on Facebook.

According to neighbors in the area, the man did not have a house because he had sold it and was always sitting on the benches on Marti Avenue.

Images published by the communicator showed that the body was covered by a white sack in the trunk of a patrol car that arrived at the scene, the first authority to show up.

"Let's hope that the authorities of Santiago de Cuba do not delay in collecting the body that is lying in the middle of the street," added Mayeta Labrada.

However, in another post three hours later, the journalist called on the first secretary of the Party in that province, Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, since the corpse remains lying on the street without Legal Medicine having appeared at the scene of the incident.

“I appeal to the indifferent, Beatriz Johnson Urrutia, Manuel Falcón Hernández, Provincial Governor; Provincial Health Directorate of Santiago de Cuba, and to every institution that should be aware of this unfortunate event. People are dying in their homes and you collect them after 24 hours or more, many die on the streets and you leave them lying there like a dog," complained the communicator.

Yosmany Mayeta also referred to other macabre recent events, such as coffins falling in the middle of the street while the corpses are being transported in the very few vehicles that provide that service in the eastern province.

"The funeral homes and cemeteries are overwhelmed and you are saying that nothing is happening," concluded the communicator, based in Washington but who remains very aware of all kinds of events happening in his province of birth thanks to the extensive network of followers he has on the aforementioned social media platform.

Until the closing of this report, there are no other details regarding the circumstances in which this resident of Santiago de Cuba died. His death adds to a growing list of fatalities in the eastern province, amidst a complex epidemiological situation with confirmed circulation of four viruses: dengue, influenza, oropouche, and SARS-CoV-2, the latter being the cause of COVID-19, as alerted by official sources.

Aris Batalla, representative of the Red Cross in Santiago de Cuba, recently reported that the presence of these viruses poses a risk to the population, which must take extreme preventive measures amid a severe shortage of medications such as analgesics and antipyretics.

The National Director of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP), Francisco Durán, acknowledged that the country does not have fuel to fumigate against mosquitoes amid a growing presence of the Oropouche Virus in Cuba.

In that context, it emerged that the provincial hospital Saturnino Lora in Santiago de Cuba is overwhelmed, without beds or resources, to attend to the increasing influx of patients.

In another recent tragic event, which also took place in Santiago de Cuba, a 17-year-old teenager passed away while hospitalized without a clear diagnosis in a hospital in that province.

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