Díaz-Canel to Cuban entrepreneurs: "Remember that we are all here to save the Revolution and socialism."

And remember that socialist construction brings awareness... brings awareness... and brings the formation of a person who acts differently in society.

The most recent meeting of the Council of Ministers left new "pearls of wisdom" from the ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel, who once again reaffirmed the centrality of the socialist model in Cuba's economy.

Gathered this Monday in the halls of the Palace of the so-called "revolution," the conclave evaluated several economic issues that impact the country's macroeconomic stability, with a special focus on the activity of the "new economic actors."

Focused on the crusade of "confrontation of crimes and illegalities," the Cuban ruler referred to the "distortions" introduced by these "new actors" that hinder the stabilization of the macroeconomy, among other reasons due to their "violations of established norms" and the spread of corruption in the country.

For them, Díaz-Canel issued a warning: "Here, no one should be worried if they are in compliance, if they do things correctly."

"Here it was always defined - when the economic and social model [socialist] was recognized by the Army General -, that the non-state sector of the economy had to work within the law, that it was a complement to the economy and that it had to pay taxes. And those three things are somehow being violated. Therefore, it must be fought against," he stated.

However, the also First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) considered that irregularities of state entities are also present in the causes of the problems with the "new actors."

"I insist, and I have always said it, wherever there is a distortion of these things, there was a poor job, a poor performance by the state entity that was related to that non-state entity," stated Díaz-Canel.

The report from the Cuban Television News (NTV) captured another moment of the meeting during which the ruler designated by Raul Castro reached his final idea and shared a "pearl" of his political, economic, and philosophical wisdom.

"We are here with the conviction that all of us are here to save the revolution and to save socialism. And remember that socialist construction involves consciousness... involves consciousness... and the formation of a person who behaves differently towards society."

What do you think?


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Iván León

Degree in Journalism. Master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations from the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master's degree in International Relations and European Integration from the UAB.

Do you have anything to report? Write to CiberCuba.

editores@cibercuba.com +1 786 3965 689

Iván León

Iván León

Bachelor's degree in journalism. Master's degree in Diplomacy and International Relations from the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master's degree in International Relations and European Integration from the UAB.