A Cuban mother is reported for beating her young son.

It was the neighbors who called the police.

El menor agredido por su propia madre © Redes sociales
The child assaulted by his own motherPhoto © Social media

A chilling report of child abuse involving a two-year-old child at the hands of his own mother in the municipality of Nuevitas, in Camagüey, has caused shock among hundreds of Cubans in the last few hours.

Heart-wrenching images circulating on social media show the child brutally beaten and even with bites on his little arms.

"The custody of her baby is with her mother, but she had to go to Havana for medical reasons and left him with the girl (who cannot be called a mother)," a complainant stated in a conversation with activist Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia, who has been one of the strongest critics of the incident.

That happened on Saturday night, she wanted to go out partying and leave the child sleeping, the child was not sleeping, so she "pushed" him until he got tired," added the source.

According to the report, during the attack, the child started crying desperately, and it was the neighbors who called the police.

After the arrest, the woman underwent medical exams, where she tested positive for drug consumption.

The person responsible for such a horrendous act has been identified as Carla Calero Cantelys and would be free after posting bail of 10,000 pesos.

"This thing" hit her child, almost killed him, and is out on bail. No, no, and no. She is from Camagüey. Share. Justice," denounced Salcedo Verdecia, who called on the authorities to do their job.

In another more recent publication, the activist - who currently resides in Miami - cited another testimony about the critical family situation from which the child comes.

The child's father would be in prison for a "beef" case, in addition to the fact that the mother, now accused of serious child abuse, was raped in her childhood or adolescence by her stepfather, who is currently in prison.

"None of them are useful," concluded the source, who assured that the young woman is not in a right state of mind.

Diasniurka Salcedo reproached the authorities stating that it is inconceivable that a woman responsible for such an atrocity could be out on bail, and that later someone who shouts "freedom!" is sentenced to 14 years in prison.

Although in the last few hours the complaint has gone viral through activists and Facebook groups, Diasniurka Salcedo complained that in some groups in Camagüey the complaint was deleted.

Facebook screenshot/Idelisa Diasniurka Salcedo Verdecia

Beyond the lukewarm performance of the authorities, social lynching is a fact, as the Facebook profile of the woman accused of brutally beating her own son has been filled with offensive messages.

"The most beautiful thing I have in this world. I love you, my baby," reads next to a photo posted by Carla in June 2022, which is now filled with messages that reproach her for the serious offense she is accused of.

Screenshot from Facebook/Carla Calero Cantelys

Up to the closing of this report, official press outlets have not commented on the viral denunciation of child abuse in Camagüey.

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